Advantages And Challenges Of Remote Counseling Services Among Omanis School Social Workers In Transforming School Counseling

  • Saif Almanji Postgraduate Researcher
  • Samah H. Almaki Lecturer
Keywords: School, Counseling, Social, Workers, Oman


The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an unprecedented shift in the field of education, compelling school social workers in Oman to rapidly adopt remote counseling services to navigate the complexities of uncertain and high-risk conditions. This study explores the multifaceted landscape of advantages and challenges faced by school social workers in Oman while delivering remote counseling services during the pandemic. Through in-depth semi-structured interviews with ten school social workers, thematic analysis was employed to uncover key insights. Findings unveiled that three key themes emerged from the data regarding the advantages: (1) empowering counseling through digital technology and social media platforms; (2) flexibility in the practices of remote counseling services; and (3) boosting skills and experiences in remote social counseling services. Additionally, two themes highlighted the challenges faced: (1) readiness for adopting new technology and (2) lack of available remote counseling services applications and platforms. These findings emphasize the transformative potential of remote counseling services while underscoring the importance of addressing associated challenges for sustainable implementation.

Author Biographies

Saif Almanji, Postgraduate Researcher

Department of Education studies, Faculty of Human Development, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.

Samah H. Almaki, Lecturer

Department of Education studies, Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies, City University, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.



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How to Cite
Almanji, S., & H. Almaki, S. (2023). Advantages And Challenges Of Remote Counseling Services Among Omanis School Social Workers In Transforming School Counseling. Perdana: International Journal of Academic Research, 18(1), 1-11. Retrieved from