Definition of Al-‘Illah: Viewing Through Aspects of Arabic Language and Iṣtilāḥ (Terminological) of Usul Fiqh Scholars

  • Mohamad Iqbal Mohd Kasim Master Candidate
  • Wan Mohd Yusof Wan Chik Research Fellow; Associate Professor
  • Ahmad Faizol Ismail Director; Senior Lecturer
  • Mahadi Mohammad Lecturer
  • Ahmad Iqbal Mohd Fadzli PhD Candidate
Keywords: Definition, ‘Illah, Aspects of Arabic, Terminological, Usul Fiqh


This paper explores the concept of ‘illah and its significant impact on the diversity of ijtihād (independent reasoning) among Islamic scholars across different schools of thought. The process of istinbāṭ (legal derivation) often produces varying interpretations of ‘illah, leading to differences in the implementation of Islamic law. Recognizing the importance of ‘illah in shaping legal rulings, this study investigates its linguistic and terminological meanings. Using a qualitative research methodology, the study draws on a wide range of traditional and contemporary Islamic sources, including Usul al-Fiqh texts, Arabic literature, and theological works. The research applies both deductive and inductive analyses, alongside a textual conceptual approach, to explore the intricate discussions on ‘illah found in Arabic texts. The study concludes that understanding the linguistic origins of ‘illah is essential for comprehending its role in Sharia and legal theory. The term carries multiple meanings, including repetition, a barrier to certain conditions, and a sign of legal rulings, all of which are vital for the legal reasoning process. Through a synthesis of scholars’ views, this research presents a refined definition of ‘illah that aligns with classical jurisprudential theories, offering valuable insights into the development of Islamic legal principles.

Author Biographies

Mohamad Iqbal Mohd Kasim, Master Candidate

Department of Shariah, Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA).

Wan Mohd Yusof Wan Chik, Research Fellow; Associate Professor

Research Institute for Islamic Products and Malay Civilization (INSPIRE); Department of Shariah, Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA).

Ahmad Faizol Ismail, Director; Senior Lecturer

Wakaf & Endowment Office; Department of Shariah, Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA).

Mahadi Mohammad, Lecturer

Department of Shariah, Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA).

Ahmad Iqbal Mohd Fadzli, PhD Candidate

Department of Shariah, Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA).


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How to Cite
Mohd Kasim, M. I., Wan Chik, W. M. Y., Ismail, A. F., Mohammad, M., & Mohd Fadzli, A. I. (2024). Definition of Al-‘Illah: Viewing Through Aspects of Arabic Language and Iṣtilāḥ (Terminological) of Usul Fiqh Scholars . Perdana: International Journal of Academic Research, 21(1), 1-8. Retrieved from